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                            Volume 8 Issue 1
                              Winter 2015

                            Table of Contents
WWIV BBS 5.0 Release......................................WWIV Dev Team
WWIV and WWIVNet Update From The New NC..................Weatherman 1@1
WWIV 5.1 Release Goals....................................Rushfan 1@514
WWIV Links and Information.............................................

                        WWIV BBS 5.0 Release
                        - WWIV Dev Team -

We are happy to announce WWIV 5.0 is available as the stable release of 
WWIV BBS. WWIV 5.0 was under development for many years and finishing 
is a significant milestone. 

Download WWIV 5.0:
WWIV 5.0 Installation and Docs:

Here are some of the great new things in WWIV 5.0

File Compatible with 4.30 & 4.31
    Drop the WWIV 5.0 binaries into your 4.30 or 4.31 setup and fire 
    up WWIV 5.0.
WWIV 5.0 Telnet Server
    WWWIV 5.0 has a telnet server included to allow client access
    to WWIV 5.0.
Internal Zmodem Support
ZIP/UNZIP Support Included
Networkb.exe - BINKP transport for WWIV networking is now part of 
    the WWIV builds.
Netutil.exe - Network packet and config file utility now included.
Network.exe - shim to proxy between network0, networkp (PPP project) 
    and networkb.
New User Sign Up Notification (SSM) to SysOp.
Source Code now hosted on GitHub
Compiled with MSVC 2015
Compiles and runs on Linux
Door32.sys Support
Syncfoss Support - Thanks to Rob Swindell
    FOSSIL can now be specified in WWIV.INI as a valid flag for spawn
BBS.EXE -k command line to pack all message bases
    -k # # # will pack the massage bases with those IDs.
New WWIV.INI Parameters
    EXEC_LOGSYNCFOSS     = [ 1 | 0 ] - If non-zero then 
        wwivsync.log will  be generated.  The default setting is 
        1 and this is currently ignored.
    EXEC_CHILDWAITTIME   = (time to wait in milliseconds, this 
        parameter is only used on Win9X unless EXEC_USEWAITFORIDLE is 
        set to 0. The default value is 500 (1/2 second).
    NEW_SCAN_AT_LOGIN= [Y|N] - If Y when a user logs  in they will be 
        asked to scan all message areas for new messages.
    TEMP_DIRECTORY = temp%n  - The name of the Temp directory relative
        to the wwiv root directory. %n specifies the instance number.
    BATCH_DIRECTORY = batch%n  - The name of the Batch directory 
        relative to the wwiv root directory. %n specifies the instance 
    NUM_INSTANCES = 4  - The Number of Instances to allow.
    NOTE: Directories are created on demand by the bbs on startup and 
        config.ovr will be created by legacy tools when you run init.  
    NO_NEWUSER_FEEDBACK = [Y|N] - If set to Y no newuser messages will 
        be sent at all.
2 new pipe color codes:
    |#<wwiv color code 0-9> as an alternative to the "heart" codes
    |@<macro character> as an alternative to ^O^O<macro char>
    Existing pipe codes are: |B<background char>, and |<2 digit code> 
        for foreground colors.
WWIV Message Editor Commands
    '/A' - Abort Message
    '/H' & '/?' - Help
!!! Many Bug fixes !!!

What has been deprecated in WWIV 5.0?
    Windows XP No Longer supported
    Support for Modems has been removed
    SPAWNOPT[FSED] is now unused and no longer supported

                WWIV and WWIVNet Update From The New NC
                           By Weatherman 1@1

As many know, lots of things have been happening with WWIV BBS and 
WWIVnet over the past few years.  When Weather Station BBS came back 
online as a virtual machine around three years ago, the only networks 
that were available were FTN based.  About 7-8 months later, I was 
approached by Eli Sanford to join WWIVSN (the early beginnings of the
resurrected WWIVnet).  Eli spent lots of time helping others and 
leading the path so that we could have a functional WWIV network like 
years ago.

On a very sad day (October 26, 2015), our WWIVnet leader Eli Sanford 
passed from leukemia.  We were in shock and upset from the news. A few 
weeks went by as we were mourning the loss of Eli and then later, 
figuring out plans to keep WWIVnet alive.

We agreed to meet in the WWIV chat room on Monday evening to decide 
how to move forward.  The first item of business was determining the 
new @1 node for WWIVnet.  Rushfan suggested myself and the rest of 
the group was on-board with that change.  I was very humbled by the 
votes of support and encouragement.  It has been my passion to keep 
WWIV and WWIVnet alive in the most resiliant way possible.  My hardware
setup is robust for a home environment and offers a good deal 
redundancy. I will always do my best to make sure WWIVnet is running 
the best way possible.

That same night, we decided to make a historic change for WWIVnet.  
We switched the entire network from using WINS (PPP Project) to 
NetworkB (BinkP) written by Rushfan.  Given the magnatude of changes 
that we made that night, I think it went fantastic!  We have been 
running completely using BinkP for WWIVnet ever since.  It has proved 
to be a major step forward!  I can't thank Rushfan enough for writing 
that program, as that was a HUGE step forward!

In more recent news, we now have the ability to send out network 
updates using NetUp just like the legacy WWIVnet.  WSS provided a 
new version of NetUp for WWIVnet which has been working 
perfectly sending out network updates, subs listings, and even this
WWIVnet news.  This brings us back to the functionality that we had 
with the legacy WWIVnet.  It has been well over a decade since this was

I am completely honored to be a part of such an excellent group of 
people that have done so much for WWIV and WWIVnet in the past few 
years. Highlighting the past few months as just nothing short of 
incredible with the move to NetworkB (BinkP).  That was as huge of a 
change for WWIVnet as when we started moving network packets using 
Frank Reid's PPP Project (SMTP).

This has been a very fun road for our hobby and I'm very excited for 
what the future holds.  I'm sure as more people discover our 
milestones, additional people will re-connect and join our fantastic 
group.  We will also not forget Eli and all the hard work he did to 
start the WWIVnet comeback.

Here is a toast to the bright future of WWIV and WWIVnet!

    - Weatherman (Mark)  [email protected] 
                        WWIV 5.1 Release Goals
                            By Rushfan 1@514

                            Main Themes
Messages and WWIVNet have always been at the heart of WWIV. For 5.1, I 
plan on modernizing and improving the internal code quality of the 
messaging code, making it easier to embed into new tools. Included in 
this will be support for the JAM Message Base format to broaden the 
range of tools available for exposing message bases.

More on JAM:

Net38 will be finalized [currently Beta 6] and released supporting any 
new changes to get WWIVNet functioning in the Internet era. 

See all of the work targeted to Milestone 5.1 on GitHub:
                      WWIV Links and Information
WWIC 5.0 Team Site                     
WWIV 5.0 Documentation         
WWIVNews Archive   
WWIV IRC                             irc://